Prayer to Learn How to be Thankful in Every Situation

Heavenly God, You are the maker of all things. You have said in Your word that everything works together for the good of those who love You. Your will is always good, pleasing and perfect. I believe that You are a good, good Father. 

Teach me, Lord, to be thankful in everything. I want to learn how to become joyful at all times regardless of the kind of situation I go through. Whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, whether it is favorable or unfavorable to me, I pray that I will learn to always thank You.

If there are times that I am tempted to grumble and complain over my situation, help me to exercise self-control. Work in my heart that I may not show ungratefulness towards You especially if things are not going according to what I expect. Remind me to submit to Your will regardless of the process. 

God, I know that Your ways are higher than my ways and Your thoughts are far greater than mine. If there are times that I donโ€™t understand how You work and You allow difficult circumstances to happen, help me respond in humility. Rather than questioning You, I pray that I will rather submit to You with gladness. 

Do not allow my heart to go stubborn, Lord. Give me joy after joy day by day. Teach me to rejoice at all times and to rejoice because You are with me. Help me to learn how to be content and grateful. Take away any form of bitterness that I may be harboring in my heart right now. Correct my attitude if it is not right before You. 

Above all, I pray that I will not be ruled by my emotions. May my responses be according to Your truth, Your word and Your promises. Thank You and this is my prayer in Jesusโ€™ name. Amen. 

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