A Prayer for Boldness to Share the Gospel

Heavenly Father, You are gracious. Your love is unwavering, and so today, I am surrendering my life to You. Thank You that You love me so much to die on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. Thank You that my debts are paid because You rose again from the grave. Thank You for the privilege of calling You, my Lord and Savior.ย 

Thank You also, Father, that it is Your desire for me to be a channel of Your grace to other people. It is Your desire for me to let others know that You alone are the Savior, and You alone are the way to the Father. And while it is Your desire, I admit, Lord, that I am afraid. I am scared to share the Gospel with others, for I am afraid to be judged and rejected. I am also worried that I may teach something wrong. Forgive me that I am feeling this way. God, I am sorry that my fear stops me from being an instrument of Your love. 

I know that I will never be a blessing to others if I, myself, haven’t experienced the Gospel if I haven’t experienced Your grace. So help me, God. Help me be so hungry for Your Word that I can easily share this joy that I have received from You. Please surround me with Your love so that I can be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Make me come to know You in the most authentic way so that I can put my complete confidence in You. 

Today, I come before You, Lord Jesus. Make me a blessing to others. Give me wisdom and the courage to place my confidence in You as I honor You. I want others to experience real joy and forgiveness, as I have experienced. Please come into my heart and grant me the boldness to share Your word. I need you, Father. I cannot do anything apart from You. 

Almighty, it is only because of Your grace that I can experience the Gospel. Remind me that this Gospel is about You and not me. Thank You for everything You’ve done for me and for reminding me that nothing is ever wasted when I put my confidence in You. I love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

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