I lay down before You all my fears – Prayer against Worry

Lord, my heart is filled with worry now. My mind kept drifting back to anxious thoughts. Several things are making me restless and I really feel uncertain. I am quite bothered by the way I feel, the problems I face become such a heavy burden to carry day by day. I am lacking faith, Lord. I am like a lost sheep now, uncertain of where to go. I don’t see a glimpse of where I am headed and that scares me. I am afraid of that lack of security. I can’t seem to get a hold of Your promises.

Help me, Lord to overcome my unbelief. I pray that You would speak to me through Your word and the Holy Spirit. I pray that You would quiet any form of weariness that I feel at this moment. Replace all deceiving thoughts with Your truth.

Help me to believe Your promises and make that bold step of faith to trust You to walk on the waters. Take away all unbelief. Grant me the courage to move and obey You. I lay down before You all my fears, my weaknesses and my anxieties. I trade them for hope, joy and peace that come from You alone.

Lead me and guide me, Lord. Every step I take I offer to You. Enable me to be sure of what I hope for and be certain of the things that I don’t see. I am casting all my cares before You. I know that You are concerned about all the details of my life however small they may seem.

I know that You will supply me with everything and anything I need. I am Your child and in You do I find complete security.  Allow me to be courageous. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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