Inspirational Prayer for The Workplace

Lord, we thank You for the jobs that we have. We thank You for the great reminder that You are our provider and we shall never be in want. You have given us enough resources for the things that we need everyday. We have food on the table. We have clothing to wear. We have a place we call home. We have money to spend on our daily expenses.

And all these things come from You. We thank You for never lacking in Your provision. You give us exactly what we need at the right time. You are never late nor advance. You teach us to trust You every step of the way making our paths secure.

God, today we choose to be grateful for the jobs that we have. We thank You for granting us a decent source of income. We are more than blessed for the opportunity You give us to earn money in a rightful way. We pray that we will be faithful in taking responsibility to be the best worker of Christ in our workplaces. Help us to maintain our integrity as Your children who serve as salt and light of this world.

Even as we do our work, we pray that we will be able to glorify and worship Your name. Use us as the vessel of Your goodness to the people around us. May they constantly encounter the presence of Christ as they interact with us. Fuel our conversations with love and grace. May we always speak of our faith in You.

Give us the strength that we need daily. Do not allow our health to suffer because of work. Instead may we learn how to manage our time in a way that we will become as productive as we can be. Prompt us to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, Lord. Do not allow our jobs to become our idols. Forgive us if there were times that we had.

Today, we choose to declare that You are the Lord of the job that we have. Let Your will be done. This is our prayer in Jesusโ€™ mighty name. Amen.

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