Prayer for Peace Among Nations

Almighty God, Father of all humanity, we pray that the hearts of all people and the authorities, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, peace may be established among the nations and founded by Your righteousness, justice, and truth. Bring an end to hatred, violence, and division. Steady the feet of those who participate in the war. Bring justice to the oppressed and persecuted, restoration to the abused, and hope to the downcast. Guide all the rulers with power, whether political, social, or physical, and give them wisdom to use their authority according to Your will. Bless each of us the grace to admit when we are wrong and to seek forgiveness when necessary. Give us also the grace to forgive especially when it is most difficult to do so.

You are the absolute ruler, the mover of highest mountains, and the hero of impossible victories. You are the Lord over natural disasters, over nations in terrorist plots, over starving families, and fleeing refugees, as well as prisoners tortured for their faith. You covered the skies with stars and set the Earth spinning day and night. You own everything, and are in control. Nothing is impossible for You. So I pray, although it appears to me as impossible, bring us peace.

Allow us to see Your face in the people surrounding us. Give us courage to love one another even if it seems like a risk. Make us compassionate for those who are unlike us. Teach us to listen to those who try to disagree with us, and even hear their stories that make us uncomfortable. Heal the hatred in the world around us by healing our own hearts first. Prepare us to become agents of peace. Through him who was lifted up on the cross to draw all people to himself, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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